Reefer Special - Beginner Pack Softies

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Beginning soft Corals, Great colors and hardy tank grown corals to start any reef tank 

3 Pack ( Includes 3 of the following items Green Star Polyp, Xenia,Sunny Polyps, Captain Paly, Ultra Zoa or Deadpool Palys ) 

5 Pack ( Includes 5 of the following items : Green Star Polyp, Xenia,Sunny Polyps, Captain Paly, Ultra Zoa or Deadpool Palys ) 

Pictures are Samples Not WYSIWYG 

Size:  approximately  1-2 “ Each Frag 

Recommended Flow: Medium  

Recommended Lighting: Medium

Specific Gravity :1.025              Alkalinity: 8-9             Calcium: 400ppm

All Corals Are Grown Under Hydra 26 and Kessil 360X LEDs